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Why is BMSB treatment necessary 

Agriculture disaster

The brown marmorated stink bug feeds on a wide array of plants including apples, apricots, Asian pears, cherries, corn, grapes, lima beans, peaches, peppers, tomatoes and soybeans. They are known to readily cause damage to crop across the United States and other parts of the world and are therefore considered serious agricultural pests. The fact that the BMSB has a wide range of host plants makes it extremely versatile as it does not require one specific plant on which it feeds.

The BMSB obtains its food by using stylets to pierce the plant tissue to extract the plant fluids. It injects saliva into the plant creating imprints to the surface of the plant and rotting of the material underneath. It is this style of nourishment that causes the huge problems. The plant loses necessary fluids, which can lead to deformation of seeds, destruction of seeds, destruction of fruiting structures, delayed plant maturation, and overall los of the crops. damaged crops.jpg

A nasty hitchhiker

At the end of summer, the adult bugs look for shelter in dark and dry places, for example in vehicles and containers. Subsequent movement makes for a rapid spread of the BMSB across the globe. Therefore, it is considered a nasty hitchhiker, stowing away in all manner of imported goods and personal effects including suitcases. While it does not pose a risk to human health, the brown marmorated stink bug can breed up huge populations that become both a household nuisance as well as a major problem to our crop growers. It feeds on more than 300 hosts including fruit trees and woody ornamentals.


If it established in Australia, this pest would be extremely difficult and expensive to manage, since it is not easily controlled with pesticides and it eats a huge range of plants. It likes to hide in houses in cooler weather and, as the name suggests, also emits an offensive smell.


Seasonal measures for the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) by DAWE (the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment) in Australia and the Ministry for Primary Industries in New Zealand

In recent years, the BMSB has undergone an enormous expansion throughout Europe and North America. The department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment in Australia and the Ministry for Primary Industries in New Zealand have introduced seasonal measures to manage the risk of BMSB from arriving in Australia and New Zealand, based on scientific research, intelligence data collections and information from previous seasons.


The two countries have worked together closely to ensure both Australia’s and New Zealand’s BMSB seasonal measures are consistent. However, there are some differences between the two departments, especially around the targeting of commodity types. Importers, exporters, and shipping agents involved with importing goods into New Zealand and Australia must understand the requirements for each country to ensure compliance.

Not sure what apply for you?

If you are not sure which requirements or regulations apply to you, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can do a compliance check for you or we can get you in contact with a treatment provider.


​The following countries have been categorised as target risk:

  • Albania

  • Andorra

  • Armenia

  • Austria

  • Azerbaijan

  • Belgium

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Bulgaria

  • Canada

  • Croatia

  • Czechia

  • France

  • Japan (heightened vessel surveillance will be the only measure applied).

  • Georgia

  • Germany

  • Greece

  • Hungary

  • Italy

  • Kazakhstan

  • Kosovo

  • Liechtenstein

  • Luxembourg

  • Montenegro

  • Moldova

  • Netherlands

  • Portugal

  • Republic of North Macedonia

  • Romania

  • Russia

  • Serbia

  • Slovakia

  • Slovenia

  • Spain

  • Switzerland

  • Turkey

  • Ukraine

  • United States of America

Which treatments are possible?

There are three approved treatment options for BMSB treatment.

Latest news

Does my cargo

need treatment?

We can do a compliance check for you


Always a treatment location near you 

We have a significant network of treatment locations across Europe. With this network we can offer you a location in your desired area, so you can minimise the impact of the treatment on the logistics process.

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Service & Contact

If you have any questions or would like to receive more information regarding BMSB, the treatment of BMSB or exporting to Australia or New Zealand, please do not hesitate to contact us. We have a team of experts to help you. Or we can get you in contact with a treatment provider.

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